Our Services.

Below are the tutoring services available at Learn with Katia.

If there is any more information which you require, please fill out the contact form and we shall be in touch.

Every tutoring session is tailored to your child’s needs in an environment which is calming, supportive and fully equipped to best support your child achieve their goal.


£30- 1 hour session.

After the initial consultation, your child’s next steps will be addressed, specifically planned for and then delivered linking to the National Curriculum. Maths will be taught using a range of manipulatives, pictorial representations and written methods. Your child will also apply their newly learnt concepts in a range of questions to show their understanding.

Mental math strategies such as bridging, adding 9 and near doubles will also be explicitly taught to help your child with addition and subtraction as well as a 10 minute starter on times tables at the beginning of each session.

Work will be written in a maths book which will be taken home after each session so you can see your child’s progress and their next steps.


£30- 1 hour session.

After the initial consultation, your child’s reading needs will be addressed. In these sessions reading fluency, comprehension or decoding will be a main focus. The skill which is being focused on will be built upon week after week allowing their confidence in reading to grow.

In regards to phonics, your child will be taught digraphs/trigraphs which have been identified in the first tutoring session. From there your child will be taught to ‘spot’ newly learnt sounds in real words, ‘alien’ words and sentences. Your child will also be given sessions to support them to pass the Year 1 statutory phonics assessment.


£30- 1 hour session.

After the initial consultation, your child’s English next steps will be identified, specifically planned for and then delivered linking to the English National Curriculum.

High quality texts and picture books will be used in the English sessions (not a generic grammar printed sheet!) to ignite your child’s love of writing. A range of fiction and non-fiction texts will be used to allow your child to develop their own style of writing.

Work will be written in their own English book which will be taken home after each session so you can see your child’s progress and their next steps.

Contact us

Interested in your child being privately tutored? Fill out some information and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Please make sure you add your telephone number so we are able to get back in touch.